Memorial Day Motions

Picnics, outings and days off.

Parties, beers and barbeques.

Road trips, beaches and golf.

That is the rule not the exception.

That is, unless you are a mother or wife, a father or
husband or a son or daughter of a fallen veteran.

For you, Memorial Day will never be the same again.

Your picnics will have one less favorite food; your golf
will now be a different foursome and may always remain a threesome.

Your parties will be missing one special laughter and your
barbeques will be one hamburger or two short.

Your road trips will be short one driver and will have an
extra seat everyone will notice, but nobody will mention.

The beach will seem saddest of all, without his or her
footprints in the sand, or that last swim of the evening before the sun sets on the horizon.

No, you will go through the motions, but for you, they will
be the exception.

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